Category: One-Dish Meal

Cheese Burrito with Charsiu BBQ and Rice

Psstt… I got a great meal recipe to share with you for a lazy Sunday or for an in-between-meal snack.  Yes, a snack… nothing wrong with having a ‘full-meal’ as a snack, right ^^? Besides, I think it is actually much healthier than munching on a bag of chips. Anyhow, one day, I just ‘whipped up’

Century Egg Porridge (皮蛋粥)

Making porridge, especially this Century Egg Porridge (皮蛋粥), is a quite simple and easy process despite it’s sophisticated appearance. The key is to have the perfect ratio of rice and water. The ratio depends on your preference. I like to have porridge on a thicker side, so my ratio of 1:6 (1 cup of rice to

Italian Sausage Penne Pasta

This time, I am sharing Italian sausage penne pasta recipe since I am craving for another pasta meal again. I was thinking to make the classic spaghetti with meatball, but I do not have most of the ingredients. Thus, I just ‘whipped-out’ and made with whatever I have in my pantry and fridge. Voila, the

Angel Hair Pasta with Sausage

It’s been quite a hectic day today. I decided to cook something super simple, quick, and easy, yet, still delicious for the family. Today, I made Angel Hair Pasta with Sausage. I chose angel hair because of its delicate texture and it is a perfect choice if you want to pair it with simple light

Cap Cay (Mixed-Vegetables Stir-Fry)

Cap Cay is an Indonesian mixed vegetables dish with a Chinese influence. It is basically a stir-fry of variety different kinds of vegetables. The name Cap Cay itself originates from a Chinese dialect, Fujian, and means “mixed vegetables”. ‘fraid not, meat lovers… You can also add your favorite meats into the dish, like I always