Tag: asian

Empal Daging (Indonesian Sweet & Spicy Fried Beef)

Today, I am sharing with you, Empal Daging, the exquisite Indonesian Sweet & Spicy Fried Beef that promises to transport you to the vibrant streets and bustling markets of Indonesia with every savory bite. Did you know that Empal Daging’s name is derived from the Javanese word “empal,” which means “to pound”? Traditionally, the beef

Sambal Goreng Kentang (Spicy Potato Stir-fry)

Today, I am sharing another classic Indonesian dish called Sambal Goreng Kentang. It is basically Spicy Potato Stir-fry, a vegetarian dish. For meat lover, you can always add any of your favorite protein. Though it is named Sambal Goreng Kentang or Spicy Potato Stir-fry, you can opt-out the chili, substitute it with red seedless paprika,

Indonesian Chicken Rissoles

Chicken rissoles – an Indonesian appetizer or snack that is crunchy on the outside, soft in the inside, and it is filled with savory filling mixture made of chicken, potato, carrots and other veggies. These Indonesian chicken rissoles are crowd pleaser and always big hit in a gathering. You might ask what rissoles are. You

Jajangmyeon (Korean Black Bean Noodles)

The most popular take-out dish in Korea that everyone loves – Jajangmyeon (짜장면). It is a comforting noodle dish where thick wheat noodles are topped with savory black sauce made of chunjang (춘장), pork belly, and some vegetables. You need to mix the noodles and the sauce well before devouring it. Jajangmyeon, or Korean black

Indonesian Minestrone (Sop Merah)

Vibrant scarlet color soup that’s not only pleasant to the eyes, but also very delightful to the mouth. This Sop Merah (or known as the Indonesian Minestrone) is unique, and commonly be found in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia. It is served at party gathering, wedding banquet, potluck, or just regular meals at

Healthy Chicken Vegetable Stir Fry

Super easy and healthy chicken vegetable stir fry that’s perfect for your busy weeknights. Making this chicken stir fry is one simple way to serve some vegetable fix to my family. Not only it is packed with nutrients, but also this chicken vegetable stir fry has the right combination and balance of flavor that my

Oven-Baked Pork Satay with Peanut Butter

Delicious, sweet-and savory, juicy, oven-baked pork satay that you can’t get enough of. Each bite of these pork satays is an explosion of flavor in your mouth. You can eat these pork satays as an appetizer, snack or even as an entrée. This pork satay is also a great party meal idea as it is

Crunchy Homemade Mini Lumpia

Easy to grab, finger food, these crunchy chicken-filled mini lumpias are perfect for gathering, appetizer or just as snacks. What is a lumpia, you might wonder. Lumpia is what the Filipino and Indonesian called for spring rolls or egg rolls. You can customize the filling inside each lumpia. For the recipe below, I am using

Low-Carb Sautéed Bean Sprouts

Classic low carb sautéed bean sprouts that is super easy to make, very healthy and delicious. This sautéed bean sprouts is packed with lots of nutrients. With very simple seasonings, – only oyster sauce (can be substituted with mushroom sauce), salt and pepper – this sautéed bean sprouts boast a light taste yet quite flavorful.