Red Swiss Chard with Salted Egg

Hm… so I had the “left-over” boiled salted egg white from the previous Salted Egg Butter Shrimp (牛油黃金虾) that I made the other day and I had one bunch of Red Swiss Chard waiting for me to unveil its charm. So, why not put the two together to create a unique dish, Red Swiss Chard with Salted Egg? This might seem like an unusual combination, but oh boy, I’m glad that it turned out to be such a delish! I got thumbs up from my little picky eater, it should tell something, right?

Salted Egg Red Swiss Chard

Red Swiss Chard with Salted Egg is a great vegetarian dish that is highly packed with nutrients and low calories. It might be another option of our many veggie-fixes. The saltiness from the egg balanced out with the tad bit of bitterness from Red Swiss Chard.

Actually, I heard that Swiss Chard can be a bit bitter if you eat it raw, as in salad. When you cook it or stir-fry it, it actually makes the bitterness reduced. This is true. I never really find Swiss Chard to be bitter after stir-frying. What I also like about it is the crunchiness. Most green vegetables will be wilted and on the soft side. However, Chard still retains its crunchiness if you don’t cook it too long.

Tip: Do not put too much salt because there is already the saltiness from the egg.

Swiss Chard with Salted Egg


  • 1 bunch Red Swiss Chard – about 6 stalks
  • 1 salted egg white – boiled and roughly chopped
  • A pinch of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon chopped shallot
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 tablespoon mushroom sauce
  • A pinch of salt and pepper to season


  • Chopped the chard into half an inch thick.
  • Preheat oil in a pan on medium heat. Add garlic and shallot to the pan and cook until it is fragrant.
  • Add the salted egg white, mushroom sauce, water and chard. Stir for about 2 minutes.
  • Season it with salt, pepper and sugar to your liking.
  • Cook until the leaf is wilted. After that, it should be ready to be eaten.

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