Category: Vegetable

Red Swiss Chard with Salted Egg

Hm… so I had the “left-over” boiled salted egg white from the previous Salted Egg Butter Shrimp (牛油黃金虾) that I made the other day and I had one bunch of Red Swiss Chard waiting for me to unveil its charm. So, why not put the two together to create a unique dish, Red Swiss Chard

Stir-fry Kale with Chicken

This Stir-fry Kale with Chicken is another great nutrient-pack dish. It’s because Kale is a super green that is considered as one of the power-packed nutrients vegetables. You cannot go wrong with Kale if you want to boost up your nutrient intake. For the non-vegetable lover, unlike yu choy, Kale might be a bit ‘tough’