Tag: Beef

Empal Daging (Indonesian Sweet & Spicy Fried Beef)

Today, I am sharing with you, Empal Daging, the exquisite Indonesian Sweet & Spicy Fried Beef that promises to transport you to the vibrant streets and bustling markets of Indonesia with every savory bite. Did you know that Empal Daging’s name is derived from the Javanese word “empal,” which means “to pound”? Traditionally, the beef

Japanese Beef Rice Bowl with Egg (Gyudon)

Delicious and healthy Japanese-style beef rice bowl with egg or known as Gyudon is one of my family’s favorite. There’s never a week that goes by without this meal on our dining table. It is simple to make, yet delightful. Gyudon is healthy, yet very pleasant and satisfying. Thinly sliced beef and onion simmered with

Baby Bok Choy Stir-Fry with Beef

This baby Bok choy stir-fry with beef recipe is a keeper and always come in handy when I want to whip up something really quick. Overall, it takes about 10 minutes or maybe less than that. Also, it is an easy dish to pair up with any kind of meal, such as this pesto salmon